Hydroponic systems have emerged as an innovative and sustainable method of cultivating plants without soil. This technology has brought about transformative opportunities, particularly for women, in terms of empowerment, economic independence, and environmental sustainability. By harnessing the power of hydroponics, women are actively engaging in agricultural practices, gaining financial autonomy, and contributing to a greener future.
The adoption of hydroponic systems by women not only benefits individuals but also has a positive impact on the broader community. As women gain confidence and independence through their hydroponic ventures, they become role models and catalysts for change within their communities. They inspire other women to pursue entrepreneurship and agricultural innovation, fostering a supportive network of empowered individuals. Moreover, the availability of locally grown, fresh produce improves food security and enhances the overall well-being of the community.
Phalarope is collaborating with Rotary International, specifically the Guatemala Vista Hermosa Rotary, Skidaway Island Rotary Club, Glenview Sunrise, Rotary Districts 4250, 6920, and 6440, to establish agricultural community enterprises in Rural Guatemala. We are working with one cooperative: COOPERATIVA INTEGRAL DE COMERCIALIZACIÓN 'ARTE ANCESTRAL MAYA' RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA in San Juan Comalapa, Chimaltenango. This cooperative is composed of 28 indigenous Mayan women. Phalarope's team is training these women in hydroponic techniques, specifically for lettuce production. This program aims to help the women establish their own agricultural business and improve their monthly income. A Rotary International Global Grant is funding the greenhouse and all the hydroponic systems. The Guatemala Vista Hermosa Rotary Club and Phalarope are actively seeking potential buyers for the produce. Additionally, Caban Systems is generously donating the solar panels for the greenhouse.
Agricultural Enterprises video (spanish) Agricultural Enterprises (English)